Student Organizations
Business and Economics
Our student organizations focus on professional development activities, networking opportunities and service projects and allow students to hone the skills they acquire in the classroom. Honor societies sponsored by the Department of Business and Economics recognize academic achievement and good moral character.
Accounting and Finance Club
The Accounting and Finance Club provides a forum for students to socialize while exploring topics and careers related to finance and accounting. The club offers interactive internship and career panels, networking opportunities with alumni and business leaders, guest speakers and field trips, including an annual trip to tour the New York Stock Exchange and visit with international accounting and finance firms.
Alpha Mu Alpha
An international honor society sponsored by the American Marketing Association, Alpha Mu Alpha acknowledges the achievements of outstanding marketing students across the globe.
American Marketing Association
American Marketing Association is a professional organization for students interested in furthering their study and practice of marketing and/or business studies. Our chapter provides marketing resources and education by offering professional development activities and networking opportunities. National competitions and local community service projects not only enhance members’ skills and knowledge, but also promote ethical decision-making and responsible citizenship.
Economics and Global Business Club
The Economics and Global Business Club brings students together to engage on a deeper level and discuss current events, economic theories and ideas in a comfortable environment outside the classroom.
Enactus is the world’s largest experiential learning platform dedicated to creating a better world while developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators. The Enactus network of global business, academic and student leaders are unified by a vision to create a better, more sustainable world. 亚洲博彩平台排名’s chapter undertakes projects that have a high impact on the local community and provide real-world opportunities to develop entrepreneurial leadership skills. Members can attend and compete at the annual national competition.
IMA Accounting Honor Society
The International Management Accountants’ honor society recognizes and honors academic achievement in the study of accounting and financial management, and provides an opportunity for students to differentiate themselves as they begin their career journey. Students are invited to join the society the spring of their junior or senior year.
Options Trading Club
The Options Trading Club utilizes a virtual options trading platform to analyze trading strategies, execute options contracts and manage individual student portfolios. Club meetings involve a detailed review and critique of trading activities and strategies, evaluation of portfolio returns and projections of future options markets outlooks over the near term investment window.
Sigma Beta Delta
Sigma Beta Delta is an international honor society for students of business, management or administration who have achieved high scholarship and exhibit good moral character. The society encourages aspirations toward personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.